Please consider supporting this mission field.
If you think this website is of some value to you and/or the Christian community, please consider helping us cover the ongoing costs (website URL, website server, active online map, advertising, etc.) and all the time it takes to vet the ministries & keep it up to date. A one-time or on-going monthly gift of any amount to support this effort would be very much appreciated. Thank You. -One Time Supporters:
Forward Ministries - (Clint Byars) Because of Jesus Min. - (Connie Witter) New Heart Living - (Connie Miller) Growing in Grace - (Joel Brueseke) Calvary Church - (Ben & Kim Dailey) Terry Tripp Ministries - (Terry Tripp) Grace Center Houston - (Eric & Deborah Skidmore) Oasis Ministries - (Don & Becky Emerson) Monthly Supporters: Faith KC Church - (Dennis & Denise Capra) Sally Kruger - (Sally Kruger) Larry Eiss (E3) Ministries- (Larry Eiss) Don't worry, we have room for you too) Ministries showing a link to us: Growing in Grace Escape to Reality Terry Tripp Ministries Larry Eiss Ministries |